A New Chapter Begins: The African-American Dawah Foundation

The African-American Dawah Foundation is pleased to announce our evolution from the Black Dawah Network. Since our establishment in 2018, we have tirelessly endeavored to unite and empower African-American Muslims in sharing the message of Islam. Today, we take a significant step forward as we transition into the African-American Dawah Foundation, working towards obtaining 501(c) status.

Our journey began with humble beginnings, and we have achieved remarkable progress:

We have organized impactful Dawah events across various inner-city Black American communities, including Chicago’s O-Block and Altgelds Gardens, Oakland in California, Houston and Omaha in Texas, New Orleans in Louisiana, and many others. Through these events, we have successfully spread the teachings of Islam and placed the Quran and Autobiography of Malcolm X into the hands of countless individuals.

In our commitment to enlightening minds, the African-American Dawah Foundation has published numerous influential works. These include “Afrocentrism: A Black Muslim Critique” and “Black Marxism: An Islamic Critique,” both authored by Shareef Muhammad. It also includes The Muslim Guide For Understanding Structural Racism by Shareef Muhammad and Hakeem Muhammad ESQ. Additionally, we collaborated with several former gang members who embraced Islam, sharing their inspiring stories through materials, books, and lectures. This initiative aims to challenge the detrimental influence of gang culture on Black youth.



We have also conducted enlightening workshops that foster a deep understanding of Islam and effectively address various objections to its message. Through these engagements, we strive to dismantle misconceptions and promote a more inclusive society.

Building upon our accomplishments, we are excited to announce our evolution into a 501(c) entity—the African-American Dawah Foundation. This transformative step empowers us to redouble our efforts in spreading the message of Islam within the Black community. We are determined to consistently and diligently organize Dawah activities, empowering individuals and fostering spiritual growth.

To achieve our ambitious goals, we humbly request your support in this crucial phase of our initiative. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of African-American Muslims and contribute to the positive transformation of Black communities through the power of Islam. Join us on this extraordinary journey towards empowerment, unity, and enlightenment.

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Conveying to Black America What Islam Is

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